[Amps] PEP power..

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Oct 16 05:00:08 EDT 2006

peak envelope power (of a radio transmitter): The average 
power supplied
to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during one 
frequency cycle at the crest of the modulation envelope 
taken under
normal operating conditions.>>

It may be the definition, but there isn't a meter generally 
available that will measure one single RF cycle at a time, 
so it is unrealistic. Even a scope isn't a practical way to 
read the strongest single cycle peak

Fortunately the envelope rate of change is so slow (because 
of highest modulating frequency limits) that there are many 
RF cycles during the crest...even on 160 meters.

What we measure when measuring PEP is the peak value of many 
RF cycles, not one.

73 Tom 

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