[Amps] What NOT to buy?

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Mon Oct 23 11:06:43 EDT 2006

In a message dated 10/23/2006 10:41:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
unclebudd at bellsouth.net writes:

I joined  this reflector because I am considering picking up a project 
Amplifier in the  near future.  The idea is to teach myself amplifiers.  I have only 
 owned one amp in the past, a SB-220 which worked well and I never had the  
covers off.  What I am looking for is advice on which amps NOT TO  BUY.  I know 
enough not to consider anything with Sweep Tubes or any of  the CB amps 
without tuned output circuitry but beyond that I am  clueless.  Not having a vast 
knowledge of problems to avoid, I am afraid  someone will pawn off an unfixable 
amp on me.  So considering all that,  which amp do I run from?


Clint -  W5CPT

Clint, there are some good amps out there that by all "practical" purposes  
are good amps, but IMHO I would stay away from.  Examples: The Dentron  
MLA-2500 is a good amp, but the 8875 tubes are like "hens teeth" to find, blow  one, 
and your looking at some nice money to get a good one.  They don't  make them 
anymore. So for that reason I would stay away.  Some of the amps  that use 572 
tubes are good amps (like the SB-200 and some others), but I am not  fond of 
them as the tubes are run pretty much to their max, not much head  room.  Most 
of the amps using them do not make legal limit power usually  about 1/2 that 
or less, same goes for 811 tube amps.  The tubes are  plentiful and cheap, but 
you just don't get the big power form them and hey, if  you want power Why 
not go all the way?  Personally I like legal limit  amplifiers with some head 
room.  You will pay quite a bit more for one, but  a good one used correctly 
will last a long time and give you the maximum power  with least problems.  I 
prefer amps with one or two tubes the most, anymore  and the going gets ruff in 
many ways.  My choice of amplifier is usually  Ameritron's specifically the 
AL-1200 or the Al-1500.  You can find a used  one of either variety for about 
1400-1800 dollars.  That's my 2 cents  worth.  Good Luck 73 Lou

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