[Amps] More information for "What NOT to buy"..

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Mon Oct 23 17:56:56 EDT 2006

Robert B. Bonner wrote:

>I think its pretty hard to beat a Drake L4B for a starter amp.
> it's a better quality amp
>than an SB-220 for close to the same price.
Interesting comparison.  Back in the 70s I chose an SB-220 over an L-4B 
because the Heath generated less TVI when driven to the same input on CW 
with the same exciter (Collins 32S-3).  That SB-220 is still going 
strong today, even after modification to run 1500 watts output when the 
rules changed.

TVI is probably not as important a consideration in these days of CATV 
and satellite TV, and mine was certainly not a rigorous test, but your 
comment makes me wonder what should be included or excluded when one 
speaks of "quality", and what factors you used to conclude that the L-4B 
is "better".

Bud, W2RU

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