[Amps] More information for "What NOT to buy"..

Rick Stealey rstealey at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 24 08:31:49 EDT 2006

>With the SB-220 there's too much crammed into the small box.

And compare the bandswitch in an SB-220 with the L4B and you will see the 
difference.  I swear the bandswitch in an R4A receiver is as heavy as an 
SB-220 !  And when you mistune the SB-220 and fry the bandswitch, first of 
all you will tear the amp apart getting it out, and then find out a 
replacement is not available.  Just ask Lou, W1QJ, how many bad bandswitches 
he has seen from SB-22os.

For an interesting way to spend 10 minutes and see what I mean about 
bandswitches go to the QRO amplifier site where there are some great photos 
of his amps, and look at what a real ceramic, RF rated bandswitch is all 

Rick  K2XT

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