[Amps] DIN Connector

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Tue Oct 31 17:56:57 EST 2006

Bob Maser wrote:
> Someone told me that folks are using a "DIN" connector for the output of a 
> high power amp.  I need some specifics so I can go get one.  I'm looking for 
> something that will handle at least 5KW(I like to transmit into the dummy 
> load).
I guess you're looking for the '7/16' connector - not inches, but 7mm 
inner conductor, 16mm outer. All the major manufacturers have product 
lines. A big part of the design was to minimise IMD in base station 
installations. They are lovely to handle. I have one wonderful variant - 
a 7/16 socket with RG58 cable entry.


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