[Amps] email to Hsu

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at eon.net.au
Fri Sep 1 07:59:24 EDT 2006

G'day Lon,

I have been having the same problems and have pointed this out to Hsu.

You have to add a letter m to make it sohu.com

For some reason, Hsu has left that m off his "reply to" address. When 
you look at the "from" address in the header, it is correct.

I am the Australian recipient he mentions in his email. So far, my 
dealings with him have been a delight.

73, Alek

At 07:18 PM 1/09/2006, Lon W. Cottingham wrote:
>Greetings to all,
>         Am trying to answer Hsu's post about tubes but all replies bounce.
>The address that is given is jbenson at sohu.co.  Anyone know anything about
>this and have any suggestions"
>73 de K5JV
>  Lon W. Cottingham
>1110 Golden Bear Ln.
>Kingwood, TX 77339
>281-358-4234 FAX
>281-795-1335 CELL
>Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safely
>in a well preserved body, but rather to skid
>in sideways, totally worn out, shouting..
>Holy Shit !! What a Ride!!"
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