[Amps] bandswitch wiper connection

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Tue Sep 5 11:41:48 EDT 2006

> It seems that most anode bandswitching arrangements put 
> the switch wiper more towards the output side of the pi or 
> pi-L network (e.g., on a pi-net the switch wiper is on the 
> load side of the inductor).
> Is there a particular reason for doing so?

Voltage breakdown. That's almost always the weakest spot.

> It would be a lot easier to add padding capacitors for the 
> low bands on a single-pole/wafer switch if the wiper were 
> on the tune side.>

Why? The best place for the wiper contact is loading cap in 
any network.

 > Or does the wiper assembly really add that much stray C?

No, but the extra tank components that are shorted do.

73 Tom

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