[Amps] DB9 RF filter

mike kendall ke6cvh at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 5 21:12:18 EDT 2006

    I used to work with a high power HF system that tied into a LAN a couple of years ago.  It used some HF email software from Harris and they supplied a DB9 filter that allowed you to remove the DB9 from the serial port and attach the filter between the computer and the cable.  It was a male to female DB9 connector that had small RF filters in it and was manufactured in Mexico about 1/2" long between the male and female DB9's.  They also had a DB25 version but I only need the DB9 right now.
    Has anyone information where I can obtain such a filter?  I have suspected RF hash on a cable with a DB9 that I need to filter out.  I would like to try this option before using a bunch of clamp on ferrites.  If I have to go to ferrites later that is fine but I want to use these filters first.
  Advanced Thanks,

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