[Amps] NOS 4CX1000A test and reconditioning

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Fri Sep 8 21:46:15 EDT 2006

> One of the "facts" stated on this web page is that broadcast
> stations keep all their final amplifier tubes filaments powered
> at all times.  I used to work at a broadcast station with
> three transmitters and we only had the filaments powered to the
> transmitter in use. Were we the only one ?

I have been Director of Engineering at four different television 
stations, had corporate responsibility for additional stations and 
visited countless transmitter sites over 20+ years.  In every case 
where there the station had alternate/main and/or "back-up" 
transmitters, the filaments were kept live so the back-up could 
go on the air instantly.  


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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