[Amps] Technical specification question, possibly OT !

Martin Sole msole at loxinfo.co.th
Mon Sep 11 08:43:26 EDT 2006

Please excuse if this is off topic but if you think it through I think 
it could be argued as amplifier related, sort of..

I'm in the process of importing a radio, doesn't matter what but suffice 
to say that any radio that enters the country has to be tested at the 
government facility by the government 'experts'. Testing consists of 
fairly basic checks, power output and frequency coverage are the two 
most significant for a transmitter. I have been present when most of my 
stuff has been through this process as a lot is tube type of which the 
'experts' have little knowledge. In the course of testing the other day 
my eyebrow raised when the 'expert' started to measure occupied 
bandwidth. I really do understand how this is important in a commercial, 
or even, amateur, channelized service but cannot quite get a handle on 
why it is would be necessary to determine this for our typical HF type 
of operation. Well maybe since it indicates how narrow the signal is and 
I suppose could be considered a measure of transmitter cleanliness but 
as they were measuring  with  settings based on 25KHz channel spacing it 
seemed a little odd.

I'm interested to hear what  'competent' professionals and others might 
have to say about this. I  have never seen  a specification for this in 
any amateur literature.


Martin, HS0ZED

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