[Amps] Titan 425 Reflected Power

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Sun Sep 24 18:22:27 EDT 2006

> I'm encountering a strange problem with my Titan. If I 
> follow
> standard practice and achieve a 1:1 match with the 
> exciter, then
> take the amp out of standby, the amp typically shows 
> mismatch on
> the order of 1.5 or 2:1.
> If I then re-tune the antenna for minimum reflected power 
> on the
> Titan, the VSWR at the tuner, and also at a Bird inserted 
> right
> after the Titan, shows a mismatch of 1.5 - 2:1. The 
> mismatch seems
> to be greater at higher frequencies.
> The bridge in the tuner and the Bird are consistent --  
> that is,
> when the bridge in the tuner shows a match, so does the 
> Bird, 12
> inches of RG-8 from the Titan's output connector.

Of course we all know, or at least we should know, that SWR 
is affected only by the ratio of load impedance to line 
impedance unless:

1.) The meter's zero SWR impedance is not the same as the 
impedance of the transmission line it is used in

2.) The transmission line has so much loss it reduces SWR.

With that in mind the meter in the Titan is either out of 
calibration or the wiring in the Titan does not maintain a 
50 ohm impedance. It has to be one or the other, or a 
combination of both.

73 Tom 

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