[Amps] Newbie Question II

Bob Green w6bbl at charter.net
Fri Sep 29 01:14:41 EDT 2006

Hi again, everybody --


Thanks to all who answered. Now if I can just get my hands on the amp, I'll
give them a try (The current owner just left town for 2 weeks).


Here is another problem for all the gurus out there. I also have a SB-200
with most of the Harbach mods.(HVPS, Soft Start, Soft Key) It also has
AG6K's Parasitic suppressor.  Whenever I key it using my 756PRO in RTTY
mode, the output power is VERY LOW  (50-80 watts or so). Plate current for
both tubes is running about 200-250 ma, and grid current pegs negatively.
The tube plates turn a brilliant red-orange, and the heat above the tube
compartment goes WAY UP. Every now and then, the power out jumps to 700 or
so watts, but only for a second or two. The plates don't have time to cool
off before the problem comes right back.


I have new Taylor 572B tubes (still in the box, in case I need them). 


What could be causing this problem? Would a shorted or open blocking cap or
a tune or load control do this? I suspect the solution to this problem is
easy, but so far it has eluded me. 


Only a week or so to the CA QSO Party. I'd sure like to use it then. . . Any
ideas, anybody???




Bob Green W6BBL

w6bbl at charter.net


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