[Amps] al1200

c. carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Apr 4 18:16:21 EDT 2007

      I'm sorry , but I do need the pic's and schematics for the al 
1200. I also would like to know the plate ( oops ) anode impedance of 
the 3cx1200a7.!!!(or whatever is in  that amp.!!!!)
     I may have chomped off more than I need here, but I'm thinking of 
building another amp, with some "older tubes ".!!!!!!!!
             I thought I had the tuning and loading caps, but with my 
"antique" knowledge I may be way off base.!!!!   However, I'd still like 
to see the schematic and pictures of the amp.!!!
        anyone who can help, Please e-mail me.!!!!!!!
       thanks .!!!!!!!
            carl / kz5ca

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