[Amps] Aluminum Panel Source

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 10 14:21:51 EDT 2007


I found a source of high quality sheet aluminum.  Check with your local city 
or county corporation yard supervisor, and ask about scrapped signs.  They 
replace old, aged signs when they are no longer safe for efficient 
displaying desired information.  I was given for the asking a Stop Sign, 
which was faded but the aluminum was in very good condition, and was 
anodized, or alodyned  (dont know which)
But I bet an equivelant sized aluminum sheet would be relatively expensive.
The corp yard guys, said that there was more where that came from, and would 
gladly donate such to a real need...

73,  De Pat  AA6EG   aa6eg at hotmail.com

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