[Amps] RE :  amp hardware

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 11 02:03:51 EDT 2007

Hank bushes, PEM nuts, rivet nuts - whatever, they're all variations on a theme - are real good for sheet metal. Not always applicable, though, to spacers and the like, where internal threads are needed, or even for thick ( say 1/4 inch upwards) metal or whatever.. I even have hank nuts with a nyloc insert, so that they're self locking. Countersunk screws have a tendency to be self locking, too, if they're the conventional type with a screw driver slot - the head gets slightly compressed, and so there's pressure against the sides of the countersink.
You do need to get the hole the right size though. With hank bushes, I always drill undersize and then ream to get the final fit. Then use the vice to press it in and slightly deform things so it's solid.
Peter G3RZP

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