[Amps] Inadequate load current

Bob Sullivan robert at isquare.com
Thu Apr 12 16:00:22 EDT 2007


I'm working on a Globe King 400 ... conventional push-pull output using a 
pair of V70D's and link coupling. Design operating current is 300ma and for 
the life of me I cannot load above 200ma (into dummy load).

1. Off resonance current is >500ma
2. Tested with two sets of tubes
3. HV correct at approx 1400v
4. Tried links of 3 turns (original) and 5 turns - no difference
5. Tried vari cap in series with link - no help
6. Grid current correct at 40ma

Any ideas for me and thanks in advance.

73, Bob
Personal site: http://www.isquare.com/personal_pages/ras-hardware.htm

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