[Amps] HF-2000 amp problem?

Paul Ferguson Paul at PaulFerguson.us
Sat Apr 14 21:34:43 EDT 2007

Tom et al,

You were correct. Somehow I had the wrong Tune and Load numbers for 
17-10 meters. I corrected them, and things are back to normal. Thanks 
for your help.


From:           	"Tom W8JI" <w8ji at w8ji.com>
To:             	<Paul at PaulFerguson.us>,
	<amps at contesting.com>
Subject:        	Re: [Amps] HF-2000 amp problem?
Date sent:      	Sat, 14 Apr 2007 13:06:19 -0400

> > On 20 meters and lower, grid current runs about 150 ma and 
> > plate
> > current about 500 ma. Plate voltage is about 2,800. Input 
> > power runs
> > 50 - 75 watts.
> >
> > On 17 meters and higher, grid current is about 100 - 150 
> > ma and plate
> > current is 250 - 300 ma. A small increase in input power 
> > gives a
> > large increase in grid current and little additional 
> > output power.
> > Input power is 30 - 40 watts.
> Although it **might** be some obscure problem, I think it is 
> extremely unlikely to be an amplifier problem.
> It also sounds to me like you are not loading the amp heavy 
> enough.
> You probably just need less capacitance on the loading 
> capacitor setting.
> 73 Tom

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