[Amps] Ceramic capacitor ratings

Pfizenmayer pfizenmayer at worldnet.att.net
Sun Apr 15 12:25:28 EDT 2007

As to the clipping out parts - I went to a co-op school (U of
Cincinnati) in the late 50's and my first co-op job was at Crosley Div of
AVCO Electronics . I was doing a different job on some antennas - but some
of my buddies were put in the TV lab (Crosley was still building TV sets
then) - and they did exactly what you are talking about - clip out a part
and if it still worked  - then justify why it had to be there or not . The
designers hated the co-ops in that area .

73 de hank K7HP

>I remember the same story, but it was about Muntz televisions in the
> 1950s (Earl "Madman" Muntz, who also was a used car dealer and
> manufactured the Muntz Jet sportscar).
> On Apr 15, 2007, at 6:02 AM, Robert Bonner wrote:
>> There was a long standing joke back in the 60's regarding MAGNAVOX
>> TV Sets.
>> You were meant to understand the engineers would build a fantastic
>> TV set...
>> The Bean counters would then start clipping parts out of the TV
>> until it
>> stopped working and then solder that part back in.  > Amps at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps

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