[Amps] FW: Re: (Fwd) Amp tube pin/socket  de VY1JA

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 15 13:05:04 EDT 2007

Tom said:
>Probably not since it is not a problem that surfaces much, 
if at all, in this amp.<
Which suggests a defective socket, and the usual 'fix' of changing the spring clip for one from a grid pin makes sense.
But it might also be worth checking that the fan is going at full speed, and hasn't got dust or gooed up lubricant in the bearings, or the bearings are worn and the fan is running slow, reducing the airflow. If that's the case, then a new clip will go the same way.
Peter G3RZP

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