[Amps] OT: TVI (was: ceramic capacitor ratings)

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Mon Apr 16 04:16:02 EDT 2007

Speaking of TVI experiences, I have to say that I feel I am very fortunate  
to have personally known Phil Rand ( I forgot his call now it's been a long  
time) You know him, he "wrote the book" on Interference.  One day back in  the 
early 70's me and another ham buddy of mine called Phil on the telephone, he  
lived in the next town over from me in Redding,Ct. and asked if we could come  
and visit with him.  He was very happy to have us visit with him.  We  got the 
grand tour of his station including seeing his full sized Rhombic  antennas.  
We sat and he told us several of his most interesting stories  about TVI 
investigations.  He also told us about how he had spec 'ed the  building of the 
house so that TVI problems within the house would be at a total  minimum.  He 
told us things like nowhere in the house did 2 pieces of BX  cable touch each 
other.  He said all of the duct work was not just riveted,  but also all joints 
were soldered.  He told us one story in particular  about a TVI investigation 
he did, that either I or my friend would ever  forget.  If any one is 
interested I could retell the story.  73  Lou

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