[Amps] Eimac 15E

Barrie Smith barrie at centric.net
Mon Apr 16 13:17:10 EDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Bonner" <rbonner at qro.com>
To: "'k7fm'" <k7fm at teleport.com>; "'Barrie Smith'" <barrie at centric.net>;
<amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 12:48 AM
Subject: RE: [Amps] Eimac 15E

> Why not run a set of 833A's if you crave nostalgia?  At least we'd hear
> on 70 Barrie...


I have several 833s, but they are not small!  Last time I built a
transmitter using a pair of large glass tubes (450TH), it ended up being 7'
tall and 3' by 3'.  (Due to a slight miscalculation, I couldnt get it into
the shack.)

This 15E thing is just a lark.  Folks keep suggesting a PP pair for audio.
That might be fun.

Anyway, last time I spoke with you on '70, you gave me a 20 db over 9
report.  I need to be louder, Merl?

73, Barrie, W7ALW

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