[Amps] 3-500 Pins

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Tue Apr 17 03:44:53 EDT 2007

john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com wrote:
> Perversely,   high temp solders are exempt from RoHS....which is interesting, since high-temp
> solder has MORE lead than conventional solder.
Only because they couldn't find an alternative, however unviable.
> Leave it to bureaucrats to craft technical decisions, and this is what you get...
For sure. The original motivation was to stop lead in gazillions of 
cheap gadgets going into the waste stream/landfill. That net turned into 
a sieve. I'm now banned from using up carefully nurtured stocks of 
lifetime buy components because they contain minute traces of lead. No 
big deal if you're Nokia, tuning out new products every six months but a 
serious burden for smaller outfits.

The real stupidity - guess where the lead in all those banned components 
is going to end up? They'll go into domestic trash and landfill because 
we've now also got extortionate recycling costs loaded on business.

If the rules are fully enforced, the knock on effect in minority 
products like QRO amps will be dramatic.


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