[Amps] Replacements for Carbon Composition Resisotrs

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Thu Apr 19 14:04:01 EDT 2007

> A little OT, but I can't find much info on the subject.  I 
> am restoring some old Knight AM gear and need to replace 
> some old, off-value carbon composition resistors.  What is 
> the best replacement for these resistors in RF and/or 
> power circuits, metal film or metal oxide or what??

Unless it is a critical inductance application like a 
parasitic suppressor or a critical applications like a short 
duty transient energy absorbing resistor, a regular metal 
film or carbon film or metal oxide would work perfectly. 
They are all better than old carbon comps, except for 
inductance critical or surge critical applications.

If it is a surge or inductance critical application like a 
HV fault resistance, parasitic suppression, or RF 
termination; a metal composition like a OX or OY series 
Ohmite would be a superior replacement.

73 Tom

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