[Amps] ACOM-1000 replacing tubes

ZL2AAA zl2aaa at paradise.net.nz
Fri Apr 20 17:48:31 EDT 2007

Not at all.If you like I can scan[I think] the info Morrie

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul M Dunphy" <amplifier at ve1dx.net>
To: "Amplifier- List" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 9:41 PM
Subject: [Amps] ACOM-1000 replacing tubes

     I've pretty much talked myself into getting an ACOM-1000.  Even
with the prices of the 4CX800As increasing, I'm still impressed with
this amp.  The one reservation is that the manual says, "Replacement
is a complex and potentially dangerous operation.  For this reason we
recommend this work be carried out by a trained service technician."

     How "complex" is this?  I've been changing tubes in older amps
like Clipperton-Ls, TenTec Centurions and AL-811Fs for years.  I have
friends who routinely have replaced 8877s in AL-1500s, 4CX800as QRO
Technologies, etc.

     I don't want something so complex that I have to send it back to
the supplier to change a tube!  It's too bad the manual was a bit
more specific on what is involved.  Has anyone changed one, or know
what they are referring to in terms of it being complex or
dangerous?  I don't expect to have to do this often (probably once
every 5-10 years), but tubes are tubes in any amp, and eventually
they wear our.  I'm not an Electrical Engineer, but I'm pretty good
at electronics and I've been playing with amps and the like for 20+
years.  I can't imagine it is that bad.


73, Paul VE1DX

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