[Amps] 230 v wiring

c. carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Apr 25 16:22:02 EDT 2007

          With all due respect , and considering  all the sense and 
nonsense that has gone on here, I think I'll ask for at least 3 , maybe 
4 , estimates and current requirements (locally) to run a "decent" line 
to my "shack" (aka spare room at the moment) !!! for a 220 line since I 
sometimes would like to run an amp on 220 ( + or - ) !!!!   And yes, 
most of the amps I work on can run on 110 /220 ( of course that's the 
old (??) rating. !!! I don't run amps on an antenna very much but it's 
nice to know my ant. can take it if needed.!!!
          mostly repairing them ( the old ones )
                 carl / kz5ca  
     P.S. from my main box to my shack must be at least 50 , maybe 60 
feet, because I'm on the opposite end of the house, and on 120 +- I get 
about a 5-6 volt drop in input voltage from no load to full load.!! (min)

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