[Amps] rfi

c. carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Apr 30 15:25:42 EDT 2007

      These last few (4) items , re: 813 amps, are nothing new , but I 
was anyway amused by them!!!  This RFI thing has been a thorn in the 
side of "thousands" or more hams over the years.   Thankfully , it isn't 
the biggest thorn today, but still something to be reckoned with.!!
      Way back in the late 60's my brother (RIP) was a ham, and he had 
installed a heathkit garage door opener. He was going crazy with the 
problem, until one day he mentioned it to me in a conversation on 20 
mtrs.!!( I was in the canal zone at the time ).!!   It took some doing 
to explain it all , but in the end I solved his problem.!! ( a lot of 
this was due to my previous experience with RFI on 160 and 80 mtrs )
       anyway, I thought just maybe someone might be interested in the 
"past ".!!!!!!!
       I hope you all have a good day !!!!!!!!
      carl / kz5ca

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