[Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 56, Issue 19

Manfred Mornhinweg mmornhin at gmx.net
Tue Aug 14 22:16:38 EDT 2007

Hello Sulaiman, John,

> Another option you might consider is that the 8122 tubes are in 
> demand by people who are restoring old amps, like the NCL-2000. 

John has a good point there. I own a NCL-2000, which is working great, 
but I'm using it on the basis that if I kill the tubes, I will have to 
build or buy a new amp, because new 8122 are unreasonably expensive (a 
German company quoted it at 2500 Euros!).

That's a consequence of RCA discontinuing this tube so long ago. I don't 
know if Burle is still producing it. They seem to have been the last 
manufacturer for it. In any case, if they still make it, they have a 

So it would hardly be a good idea to use this tube in a new design. 
Better make someone happy by selling him the tubes for his NCL-2000 or 
one of the few others that used it, and get some more current tube for 
your project!


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