[Amps] Amphenol Connectors made in China

EP Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Wed Aug 29 14:44:39 EDT 2007

Hi Bill,

I hope you never ingested anything that might have contained paint from it
for fear of lead poisoning, or had one accidentally eaten by your dog!

A few months ago I bought a couple of mag-mount CB antennas for use in a
mobile intercom set-up during the process of moving my son to Maine...we got
about 10 miles down the highway, when one of the antennas simply flew off
the trunk lid! Cheap, ineffective maganets. The only thing that saved the
works from flying right into the windshield of the vehicle behind us was the
coax cable...

When I re-packaged both for return to Wal-Mart, there it was: "Made In

Then there was the time my wife's M.I.C. steam iron sparked & caught fire,
my M.I.C. socket broke in half when I was torquing a bolt, my M.I.C. hole
saw lost all its cutting teeth after just one application...well, I could go
on, but you get the picture.

"You truly get only what you pay for."

>From now on, I make it a point to ALWAYS look & see where anything was made
that I buy --- I prefer to pay a premium, as long as it says "Made In USA",
or, "Made In Canada."

Sadly, our captains of industry in North America have elected to steer so
much production to distant offshore locations, that it's increasingly
hard --- if not downright impossible, for some items --- to be able to do
so. Maybe things will change if more consumers press litigation against
outfits like Mattel, etc., adding cost to their decisions to re-locate.

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Fuqua" <wlfuqu00 at uky.edu>
To: "AMPS" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 1:50 PM
Subject: [Amps] Amphenol Connectors made in China

>     Just started installing some Amphenol BNC panel mount connectors and
> found them to be very substandard to the products I am accustomed to
> getting.  I started spinning no the nut by hand and the nut was so loose
> that it actually skipped a thread and began cross threading. This was
> finger torque only. In fact, it is difficult to keep them from cross
> threading.
>      Got a second sealed package and the same problem. Flipped the package
> over and there it was, Made in China.
> 73
> Bill wa4lav
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