[Amps] Amphenol Connectors made in China

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 30 04:54:12 EDT 2007

One interesting point is that the Amphenol web site shows the standard type bulkhead mount connector - the UG-1094/U type - but has no spec on the thread or the thread tolerance. There probably is a MIL spec on the thread tolerance, but I suspect that you would have to buy proper MIL spec connectors to get it. The standard BNC thread is 3/8-32 UNEF: from memory, it's a 2A tolerance. I find that 3/8-32 ME (Model Engineer) thread tap and die are close enough for all practical purposes, even though they are a 55 degree Whitworth form rather than the 60 degree Unified form thread.
It's maybe worth checking the diameters of the connector and the nut.

Peter G3RZP

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