[Amps] rotary switch - shorting/non-shorting

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 31 04:16:19 EDT 2007

In my experience, in the UK, 'shorting' means 'progressively shorting', and is used for shorting out bits of tank coil. It can also be used for receiver type circuits, where unused coils are shorted out, usually by means of a ring on the rear of the switch. 'Shorting' and 'non shorting' in US terms are defined when you design the switch onto the switch manufacturers templates - it depends on the width of the tongue which it is. 'Oak' switches which came from a company called NSF and from AB Metals allowed the choice. AB seem to have dropped out, but NSF is still going well, and they still do ceramic switches.
>From experience, you can have great fun optimising a rotary switch design to get the number of wafers and contacts to a minimum. A bewildering set of choices too - reversed clips , reversed long clips, short clips,  reversed short clips, insulated clips (generally to be avoided on reliability grounds) etc......
Peter G3RZP

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