[Amps] Are there more Tranformer suppliers out there

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Sat Dec 8 10:18:24 EST 2007

If he did, at least we have someone to be the few parts we need from time to 
People may carp about MFJ, but he does make stuff for  a very limited 
audience that is traditionally known for its being stingy.
would like to point out those that moaned abut "no more Hy-Gain" then  those 
same ones moaned when they discovered MFJ purchased up the name, designs and 
all other associated stuff.
Point here is there are some that never see the glass as half full, only 
half empty.
Just my .02.9 here.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jeremy-ca" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>
To: "Jeffrey Okamitsu" <jokamitsu at yahoo.com>; "KEVIN ADAM" <n9iww at msn.com>; 
"Jim Nowotarski" <N3GOO at arrl.net>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Are there more Tranformer suppliers out there

> Anybody want to bet that Martin F Jue will buy it for pennies on the 
> dollar?
> Carl
> KM1H
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jeffrey Okamitsu" <jokamitsu at yahoo.com>
> To: "KEVIN ADAM" <n9iww at msn.com>; "Jim Nowotarski" <N3GOO at arrl.net>;
> <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 4:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Are there more Tranformer suppliers out there
>> There are very few good ones.
>> As the world has moved to switching power supplies,
>> even for high voltage, the need for precision wound HV
>> transformers has diminshed greatly.
>> My company uses iron core transformers and oil-filled
>> HV caps for ferro-resonant power supplies for our
>> products (microwave powered lamps).
>> Over the last 10 years many suppliers of these
>> components have abandoned these product lines for two
>> reasons:
>> 1) The manufacture of these components is decidely
>> un-friendly to the environment;
>> 2) Decrease in demand.
>> Solid-state switching power supply technology for HV
>> applications, although very expensive on a dollar per
>> watt basis, has many advantages versus iron-core
>> transformer technology:
>> 1) Size/weight.
>> 2) Efficiency.
>> 3) Better EMC/EMI compliance.
>> 4) Easier supply chain management.
>> I predict that within 5 years the suppliers who
>> provide my company with iron-core HV transformers and
>> oil-filled caps will exit their respective markets,
>> which is why we're moving to 100% solid-state
>> technology on our power supplies.
>> 73, Jeff W3KL
>> --- KEVIN ADAM <n9iww at msn.com> wrote:
>>>   Are there more transformer Makers out there if so
>>> who would be as good as peter dahl.
>>>   I fell in love with 40 meter mono bander and tower
>>> he put up at the shop when I was stationed in Elpaso
>>> TX
>>>   1987-1989 even was the when lost the first tower
>>> that was sad to loose tower and beam.
>>>   N9IWW
>>>   Kevin Adam
>>>   1239 West Till Rd
>>>   Fort Wayne, IN 46825
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