[Amps] High voltage

JMLTINC at aol.com JMLTINC at aol.com
Tue Dec 25 11:55:09 EST 2007

>>Also several 60-70's muscle cars are bringing more than any stock  Deuce.
I would expect any 60-70's muscle car brings more money fully  stock than 
modified (unless you are looking to go racing out of the box). 
BTW, this whole thread started with the question:
>>>I need to replace the two high voltage rectifiers in a Henry  3K. The 
parts list says 1.2 amps at 15 KV.

Can anyone give me more  info on these, or suggest a supplier, can these 
be reliably made with a  string of diodes?

He first asked for a supplier. Then asked about  using a string of diodes. I 
inferred "a string of diodes" and not an  encapsulated unit. A string of 
diodes hanging on Plexiglas inside a Henry 3K is  definitely butchery IMO. 
Encapsulating into epoxy may be an option, but  definitely not my first choice in this 
particular model amplifier. Saving $70 on  a multi-thousand dollar amplifier 
does seem equitable.
And, don't get me wrong. The 3K has it's failings. Mine is modded  with 2 x 
6A10 back to back on the meter and at the B-  safety resistor. The  lousy 
3CX1200 is not enough tube to take out the HV supply, but a glitch can  sure take 
out the meters with the wimpy stock safety diodes. 
Some are purists, some like to put the apron on. Whatever makes you  happy.
Enjoy Christmas!

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