[Amps] [TenTec] Corsair II & Titan 425

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Sun Dec 30 20:51:28 EST 2007

Hi Carl,

I've tried that and the amp keys but it does not seem to key the 
Corsair. I can see where there's a slight dip in voltage and a show 
of some grid current to the 425 when I key but the key out from the 
425 into the key in of the corsair does not trigger the corsair.

If I run the key in to the corsair via the same RCA jack, the corsair 
transmits just fine.

So key the amp? yes but the amp key the corsair? No.




> No.  QSK and Ext T/R are very different.  The corsair never had the
> TXOut and TXEn lines on it, which are required for a QSK amp.  What
> you are supposed to do is connect Ext T/R to the amplifier keying
> line.  This will not give you QSK but it will work with the amp that
> way.
> Another completely different approach is to connect your keyer output
> directly to where TXOut would have been connected to the amp.  Then
> connect the output keying line of the amp to key the corsair.  This
> will give you QSK and guarantee that the amp keys before the corsair
> transmits.
> Carl Moreschi N4PY
> 121 Little Bell Drive
> Bell Mountain
> Hays, NC 28635
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Gary Smith" <Gary at doctorgary.net>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 7:37 PM
> Subject: [TenTec] Corsair II & Titan 425
> > Am sending the Omni V to TenTec for allignment. Not sure of the best
> > way to connect my back up rig (Corsair II) to the amp for QSK.
> >
> > With the Omni V I connected the TX out & TX en to their counterparts
> > on the 425. I see no TX out or TX en on the Corsair but there exists
> > QSK and EXT T/R  connectors on the Corsair. Are these the same
> > function but different names? I do want to use QSK.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Gary
> > KA1J
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