[Amps] SELL: Amperite 180 Second Time Delay Relay

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Mon Dec 31 12:01:36 EST 2007

Offering an increasingly rare opportunity to purchase a "new old stock" (NOS) Amperite plug-in octal 180 second delay timer relay OEM on the Collins 30S1 amplifier. The tube provides a 3 minute delay, before closing a set of contacts in order for indirectly heated filaments to reach operating temperature. The heating element operating voltage is 115VAC. Can be used also to control delay timer circuitry for the 8877, 3cx800A7, and the 4-1000A in hombrew amplifiers. Packaged in the original carton. Fits a standard 8 pin octal socket. $65+ shipping Ron W2CQM/3 


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