[Amps] reducing filament oltage

gdaught6 at stanford.edu gdaught6 at stanford.edu
Fri Feb 2 12:34:51 EST 2007

Regarding W2CQM's question regarding reducing filament voltage:  his 
transformer is a single unit supplying filament, anode, and 
bias/control voltages.  If a resistor is put in the primary of the 
transformer, it will reduce ALL of the voltages.  Let's see, from 6 
volts down to 5 volts is about 16%.  I wouldn't want to reduce my 
anode voltage by 16%, AND screw up the "stiffness" of the anode 

I vote for the low resistance, high wattage series resistor in the 
filament line circuit.  A couple of good suggestions along those 
lines have been made.

However, the only vote that really counts is Ron's!  8>)


George T. Daughters, K6GT

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