[Amps] Water Types

Keith Dutson kdutson at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 6 17:04:45 EST 2007

BTW, they cautioned against using D.I. water: DeIonized water is water
purified by using an ION stripping procedure.  Electrically it pulls
everything out of the water leaving nothing but PURE WATER.  Well except for
H30 and OH.  Yikes Some of you have heard of H3O right?  German Heavy water
experiments (its radio active) and OH is Light water. Water in its pure form
is H2O.


Better be glad there is heavy water (containing Deuterium).  Otherwise the
billions being spent on the ITER project would be for naught.  That DT
reactor will be able to burn the Deuterium (along with Tritium) into helium,
yielding an enormous energy supply.

BTW, the ITER uses monster HF amps as part of the heating process.  Each amp
injects 20 megawatts of RF power into the plasma.

73, Keith NM5G

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