[Amps] 3-500z - intermittent filament

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Fri Feb 9 03:33:08 EST 2007

n4zr at comcast.net wrote:
> I'm sure John is correct about both the risks of resoldering and the ideal solution, but what to do if you have tubes that have already failed from this cause?
> Using some of Rich Measures' silver solder .....

Sort of answering my own question from yesterday - the 'silver solder' 
that Rich supplies is described as Tin-Silver, with 221C melting point. 
Tin with .5% Copper and 2-4% silver (MP 218-220C) is now regular pcb 
soldering wire - at least in Europe after the 'lead free' rules came in. 
More popular as it's much cheaper is Tin + .5-.8% Copper, melting point 
225-235C. Plumbers use it too. I find it nasty to use by hand, so I pay 
the extra.


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