[Amps] one of our members hospitalized (W2CQM)

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Sat Feb 17 07:39:06 EST 2007

Hi All, Just learned one of our dear members was hospitalized for some  heart 
repairs.  He had a couple of Stents inserted into his heart  arteries.  He is 
my cousin Ron W2CQM, I assume he'll be back in his glory  when he is released 
from the hospital. If anyone has any unfinished business  with him now, this 
is why you have not heard from him.  I am sure we all  wish him a speedy 
recovery.  I do not have any further information at the  moment since this must 
have been an "on the spot" procedure.  He told me a  week or so ago he was having 
some chest discomfort and was heading back to NYC  from his PA QTH to see the 
cardiologist.  I assume he did and was remanded  to the hospital immediately. 
 He didn't tell me he was going into the  hospital so I assume it was an "on 
the spot" decision. In cases like this many  time it is.  We all wish him 
well.  Good day.....73 Lou  W1QJ

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