[Amps] High Power (2500 Watts) Bird RF Dummy Load For Sale

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Feb 19 02:54:22 EST 2007

Tom W8JI wrote:
>The was a FT-1000MP here for some de-click work, and I noticed it was 
>running 150w. It measured about -28dB PEP on third order (ARRL 
>method)....which is -22dB by normal commercial standards.  I backed the 
>thing down to 100 watts and it was around 10dB better for IM. A few 
>months later I saw the radio again to add some filters and it was right 
>back at 150 watts. Not good.

A drastic but effective method is to cover the max power potentiometer 
with epoxy.  (The rig doesn't deserve it, but the owner does.)

A more sneaky trick is to leave him the pot to play with, but mount the 
*real* max power pot on the back of the board. For someone who can't 
even install his own filters, that could take years to find.

On older rigs, it was also possible to hide resistors and trimpots in 
the wiring, to limit the maximum range of the front-panel controls. Not 
so easy with digital controls, though.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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