[Amps] Thanks for help on pricing 4-1000A plus another question

Robert Groh rgroh at swbell.net
Wed Feb 21 13:52:47 EST 2007

Thanks to all of you who sent emails giving me some pointers on the value of the 4-1000A I listed for sale a couple of days ago. I'll incorporate all of those comments when I list the tube for sale. 

As sometimes happens, I've come up with another question on this general subject to ask the group - is there a reasonable way I can test the 4-1000A without plugging it into a full blown RF amplifier? 

I do have the power supply and the rf decks that came with the tube. The rf decks, frankly, scare the living daylights out of me - fully open construction, high voltage (also all open construction, I might add), etc. However I might be able to, with a great deal of care, get the beast up and running - at least far enough to look at idling current. The PS does have variacs on (I think) both the HV and the filament supplies which would imply that I can sneak up on operation. Can I tell enough without applying RF? Certainly I can verify that the filaments light. I suspect that (depending on grid bias etc) there is some amount of idling plate current I should draw. I suspect I might be able to detect if it is gassy, etc.

Anyways I would certainly appreciate any thoughts anyone might have. 

Thanks again for the help up to this point.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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