[Amps] EIMAC (8877 TYPE)

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Sat Jan 20 06:01:33 EST 2007

> The opinion of the poster  who would never build up a 6 
> meter amp  around
> 3-500's has his opinion and perhaps would opt for a 
> different tube (if he  was
> building).

There you go doing exactly what you complain about in 
others. I've built dozens of six meter and near six meter 
maps over the years, including 3-500Z's and even sweep 

If someone wants to butcher a good SB220 or SB200 and 
convert a what was reasonable HF amp to a monoband amp that 
will always be on the edge of stability that's fine, but 
let's not pretend the RF layout and tubes in most HF amps 
lend themselves to being great VHF amps.

Saying something isn't the best choice isn't the same as 
saying something can't work. It's simply saying there are 
better options to consider.

73 Tom 

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