[Amps] Henry 2003 Filter for 20002A Amp
sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Jul 11 03:47:54 EDT 2007
Ah, found another manual that has some info on the FL1. It's strictly a band
pass filter with about a 200 to 400 KHz band width. Pretty straight forward
tune up with no sweep or scope required. It has to be retuned any time you
move more than a couple hundred KHz.
Now to get started building one of those multi stage harmonic filters<:-))
> Roger, just send it to STEVE. He knows his stuff.
> He has a GOLD PLATED and polished 24 Karat diddle stick.
I appreciate his offer, but I'm the type who'll take two weeks to get
sometning done on my own that some one like Steve could do in two minutes.
<:-)) I have a bunch of antenna work to get done including putting the
rotator back in and am working dilligently to build up my left leg to the
point where I can climb again. I find it really irritating to not be able to
just throw the harness on and head up the tower or to pick up my old antique
SX101, HT32, and HT-33B to reorganize the station in the shop but I'm making
progress. OTOH I need to put a set of rollers under the old Henry 2K4
Actually I should sell it and replace it with another Alpha 76A or put in a
Tokyo FL1.5K and auto tuner.
Roger (K8RI)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger [mailto:sub1 at rogerhalstead.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 1:58 PM
> To: rbonner at qro.com; amps at contesting.com; 'W0UN -- John Brosnahan'
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry 2003 Filter for 20002A Amp
> Thanks for the info.
>>I would think the tuning on this filter would require a spectrum analyzer
>> other high tech devices to set properly.
>> I wouldn't touch it unless somebody has already been diddle sticking it.
> I bought if at a swap.<:-)) Any and alll adjustments that can be made
> probably were.
>> The 3002 device is completely fixed components.
>> I'm having a bit of trouble following each reply as I've seen 2003, 2002,
>> 3002, and 3003 referenced.
> That's my typing for which I apologize and we all make our own worst proof
> reader.
>> But having the actual name in one post brought it home.
>> The amps will run without the external filter if yours is screwed up.
>> You will have to get a hold of somebody with the equipment to re-tweak it
>> back in as it will require actually sweeping the thing and setting the
>> attenuation points.
> I have the spectrum analyzer...weighs more than my whole HF station
> including the Alpha. I'll have to borrow a sweep generator or resort to
> the
> old armstrong sweep method, but the real sweep generator is so much
> easier.
>> I've never done one and Henry doesn't have anybody working anymore.
> They import all of their solid state amps?
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Roger [mailto:sub1 at rogerhalstead.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 9:31 AM
>> To: rbonner at qro.com; amps at contesting.com; W0UN -- John Brosnahan
>> Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry 2003 Filter for 20002A Amp
>> Thanks,
>> This looks like a simple, inexpensive, and good remedy if needed.
>> 73
>> Roger (K8RI)
>>> If you need to replace the Henry 3002 filter here is a good article
>>> on a harmonic filter design with reference to the original article.
>>> 'Stub Filters Revisited' by John Regnault, G4SWX, Radio Communication
>>> (RSGB), November 1994
>>> http://www.ifwtech.co.uk/g3sek/swxfiltr/swxfiltr.htm
>>> --John W0UN
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