[Amps] Weighing In On Solder Water Wash Flux

STEVEN & NANCY FRAASCH sjfraasch at embarqmail.com
Wed Jul 11 09:53:07 EDT 2007

Perhaps I became too boisterous about water-wash flux, but let's face it, not too many of us are passionate about good soldering.  I do a lot of it, and I have found the water-wash flux to give the best results.  I use it on everything (see warning below).  I am obviosly passionate about it !  It has a HUGE advantage in allowing the user to apply minimum temperature and dwell, because it does a beautiful job removing dirt and oxide.  For example, if you solder outside in the winter like I do, you will do beautifully well with a 45 watt pencil in 0 deg F weather, whereas you might be inclined to take a propane torch.  The water wash flux will make that much difference. 

You do need to wash, or wipe with a wet cloth; otherwise, corrosion will start (like on car battery terminals).  As long as you wash, there is no issue.  I wash whole boards at home under running water.  I did this with W9RE's, W0NCL's and my IC-781 boards.  Just blow dry them off. 

Water-wash flux is aggressive, hence the need to wash.  I would advise against water-wash flux on objects that could trap flux.  For example, I would not water-wash flux RG8 braid going into a PL259 (I never solder braid on PL259s; never had a problem).  I do however, water-wash flux the center terminal. 

I guarantee that using the water-wash flux will make a tremendous difference in your soldering results. 


Steve, K0SF

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