[Amps] SB-200 DATA

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Tue Jul 17 19:20:25 EDT 2007

In a message dated 7/17/2007 4:43:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
carlseye at verizon.net writes:

Lou:  curiosity here.!! After replacing the grid resistors you  said you also 
changed input voltage to 220;  did you not check the output  power after 
changing resistors BUT , before changing to 220 input power.!!  Just wondering if 
there might be some difference here.!!!

carl /  kz5ca

Carl, No, the first data tests were done with 120 volt line with the  
original resistors.  The second test was with new 33 ohm gold banded  resistors and 
220 volt line.  I should have done the tests with all the  same line voltage.  
My experience withe these amps tells me that the closer  the 33 ohm resistors 
are to 33 ohms and the closer they are "together" in value  makes for a more 
stable amplifier.  This amp worked OK the way the original  resistors were, but 
worked better when they were changed. 
My whole point of the posting was to share the information I have  
experienced first hand.  There was a posting recently about not enough  people "sharing 
information",  so since I have experienced this first hand  I thought I would 
report on it.  That's  all.......Lou

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