[Amps] Gassy Tubes

Edwin Karl edk0kl at centurytel.net
Fri Jul 27 09:20:53 EDT 2007

As I recall, Sylvania and National Union both brought
the beam forming electrode out through the envelope.

They were available at Cortland Street 5 for one dollar.

The differences between an 807 (the one without the
pop top) and a 1625 was 12 volt filament on the 1625 
and it also had 7 pins versus 5.

Again, I'm getting old and the base pinout is a little fuzzy, 
one of the 7 pin bases was empty and could be used for 
the new "element" configuration. 

Built a 4-1625 amplifier that ran about 400 watts input. Lots
of fun and cheap, real important to me back then.

ed K0KL

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