[Amps] AL1500 PSU design

pat_f6irf f6irf at free.fr
Wed Jun 13 14:11:55 EDT 2007

Tom W8JI a écrit :

> Why select such a high equalizing and bleeder resistance? It does no 
> good at all, and can cause harm. Is there a reason to use such high 
> resistance? I cannot think of one.

Just what I had in the drawers - not a good reason ???

> I know that for a fact because I wrote the test specs.

Tom, I won't blame you because you are defending your baby... it is a 
normal "mother" reaction...
I am just trying to understand what happenned during the first "bang",  
why the replacement of 5 deffective diodes was  unsufficient  to solve 
the problem, and why 5 other blew up while "loosely" connected to the 
capacitors !
The rest I don' t care... the  AL1500 is already a hit in terms of 
commercial success, and it seem to have a large majority of satisfied 
user, I am just trying to find a solution (faster than the 4 monthes  
announced by one EU-distributor I contacted  to get the 2 boards 
complete from Ameritron ).
That's all...


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