[Amps] Collins 8020 Amplifier

Karl-Arne Markström sm0aom at telia.com
Thu Jun 21 06:16:21 EDT 2007

The Rockwell/Collins HF-8020 + HF-8030 PS was the first HF amplifier in the HF-80 system.

It was introduced in the late 70's. A later solid-state system was the HF-8023 + HF-8032 PS 
which is early 80's vintage. 
Both amplifiers expect to be driven with up to 100 mW from the HF-8010 series exciter, which provides
band-select information and the "tuning-handshake" logic.

Some variants have an internal band-select logic and could be driven by any exciter that delivers 100 mW

Use of HF-8020's in professional installations have been fairly common i Canada, 
where I have seen them "in the flesh" in the 90's.

Finally, be sure to get hold of the interconnecting cables between the PA and PS.
The connectors used are scarce and expensive.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adrian Rees" <rees.a at btconnect.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 11:27 AM
Subject: [Amps] Collins 8020 Amplifier

> Hi guys
> I'd appreciate your comments on the following...
> I have been offered a Collins 8020 HF amp and matching 8030 Power Supply. 
> I havn't seen the amp yet, and don't have any more information, apart from the fact that the vendor considers that its Valved (Tubed) and uses a 4CX1500.From an internet search, I have found a Collins 8020 HF Amp, with matching 8030 Power Supply, but the amp uses semiconductors. ie Transistors.
> So you guys with a knowledge of Collins gear may be able to shed some light ?
> I know its Rack mounted (which doesn't bother me) so I'm looking comments and thoughts about it. 
> Regards
> Adrian MW1LCR
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