[Amps] Looking For Big Jugs

EP Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Thu Mar 1 07:10:00 EST 2007

Good Day Fellow Amplifier Builders, 

The itch to homebrew a single-ended, dedicated 160-meter linear amplifier during the upcoming summer doldrums is nibbling away at me again (as if I even need another linear --- I've already built three).

Anyway, to this end, I'm wondering if anyone reading  this might have a good used / new 4-1000A transmitting tube --- or even maybe an 833A --- that they no longer require...? I have lotsa stuff here as possible trading fodder...would even consider paying $$$, if the price is right!

Many thanks for indulging me...

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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