[Amps] Berkshire

Robert B. Bonner rbonner at qro.com
Fri Mar 2 14:20:17 EST 2007

I remember in the olden days, EVERY HAM PROJECT had a Berkshire Transformer
bolted into it.  For the longest time they were the "Ham's" transformer


I suppose they liked the ARRL handbook projects because once it was
published 100 hams would attempt to build the projects and order the correct
Berkshire part number.  I think this is when Pete Dahl realized there might
be a market.


Several guys I knew ran right out and bought "The Transfomer"  You know the
1100 volt one that you'd build a voltage doubler with that would power your
4-400 amps.  My homey Bill still has the BIG BERKSHIRE brand new in the box,
the one designed for TWICE the current for those guys who wanted to run big
power.  It cost twice the bucks as the regular sized one.


Berkshire was major $$$$ for their products.


Why in the heck would anybody in their right mind even DESIGN or worse BUILD
a voltage doubler power supply for their homebrew amplifier?  Like the power
transformers cost a $ per volt output?  Silliest thing I remember from my
youth.  (That and the time we crashed the funeral)


Then I hit about 19 and I said.  What's this all about?  I was done playing
with Drakes and probably actually opened up my first Henry 2K.  Voltage
doublers were fine for taking a giant box full of TV transformers and making
them haul *ss.  But that's about that.


Anyway.  Just a little trip down memory lane.


Most companies don't like doing business with hams.  We're a whiny bunch of
crybabies who ask a LOT OF QUESTIONS, very seldom know any of the answers


I'm still finding when I mention a part is for a HAM LIKE PROJECT, sales
people wont return calls, emails.  Send quotes. They just give me the bum's
rush.  I can thank those 62 guys who already called that week and made Mr
Techrep's day.  You mention a frequency range and that's it, he dubs it a
waste of time and ***tcans the request.


I have to go jack somebody up right now because of the same very thing.



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