[Amps] Loading SB-220

Jay Musikar af2c at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 3 14:33:21 EST 2007

GA Win -

1. Loading on the WARC Bands must be done in the
CW/Tune Position.

2. Do not operate the amplifier in the SSB position on
the WARC Bands.

3. 17m
Band Switch - 15m
Tune - Top of the 40m markings
Load - 4.0

4. 12m
Band Switch - 10m
Tune - 20m (just left or CCW)
Load - 4.0

The are a number of variation on which Band Switch
Position to use and relative Tune and Load settings.

In either case DO NOT use the SSB postion (HV).

Good Luck es 73,


--- Win <w0lz at winlyn.us> wrote:

> Can someone comment on loading the SB-221 up on 18
> and 24 MHz. using the 
> existing band selections.  Will the input Z change
> much?  Which band switch 
> positions to use for each band?  At the moment I am
> really only interested 
> in 18 MHz.  As conditions get better, I will
> probably become interested in 
> 24 MHz.
> Thank you in advance.
> Win, W0LZ 

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